Canberra Physiotherapy clinic – TM Physio Canberra


Diabetes and exercise

Diabetes and Physio (Physiotherapy & Exercise Physiology)

When most people think of diabetes they think about insulin shots, glucose jelly-beans and blood sugar monitoring devices. Perhaps physio and exercise isn’t the first thing they think of. But maybe it should be. Whether a patient suffers from Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, physio and exercise physiology can help them manage their condition …

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Healthy Christmas

A Happy Healthy Christmas

Christmas is coming. Hooray! And with it often comes too much food and drink leaving many of us feeling stuffed, sluggish and soooooooooo not looking forward to dieting in January. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Many traditional Christmas foods like turkey and salmon, seasonal roast vegetables, cherries and cranberries are superfoods, so …

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Movement is Medicine 

Movement…it seems so simple, right? The human body is made to move, but more than 50% of adults don’t meet Australian physical activity guidelines. Whether it’s walking, swimming, pilates, yoga or weightlifting — it is crucial to keep active. After all, movement is medicine!  Benefits Of Movement  Pain reduction: most people don’t realise that movement …

Movement is Medicine  Read More »